Techniques to Succeed: Recovering from a crisis

This “Tip” and dozens of others come from Larry Litwin’s The ABCs of Strategic Communication (available on www dot larry litwin dot com). [To comment: larry at larry litwin dot com.]

Executives believe it takes companies slightly more than three years – 3.2 years – to recover from a crisis that damages their reputation.

The top 10 crisis turnaround strategies are:

  1. Quickly disclose details of the scandal/misstep (69 percent)
  2. Make progress/recovery visible (59 percent)
  3. Analyze what went wrong (58 percent)
  4. Improve governance structure (38 percent)
  5. Make leaders accessible to media (34 percent)
  6. Fire employees involved in the problem (32 percent)
  7. Commit to high corporate citizenship standards (23 percent)
  8. Carefully review ethics policies (19 percent)
  9. Hire an outside auditor (18 percent)
  10. Issue an apology from the CEO (18 percent)

Burson-Marsteller – New York, N.Y.

Never forget: Tell it FIRST. Tell it FAST. Tell it ALL. Tell it YOURSELF.

Check out both The ABCs and The Public Relations Practitioner’s Playbook for (all) Strategic Communicators. Information is on

[To comment: larry at larry litwin dot com.]