7 Tips To Help Keep Your Employees Engaged

[To comment: larry at larry litwin dot com]

From time to time, we repirnt mailings from Dale Carneigie’s emails. Here is a good one based on a Dale Carneigie Training study. Take heed.

For more information contact: Anita Zinsmeister <anita.zinsmeister at dalecarnegie dot com>

·         Word count for this issue: 705

·         Approximate time to read: About 2.8 minutes@ 250 words per minute

 As anyone in business knows, good talent is hard to come by.  Finding effective managers, top sales associates and other highly skilled workers can take a lot of time and effort — and sometimes a little bit of luck. And retaining these top performers is often even harder.

71% Of U.S. Workers Are Not Engaged At Work (Even Yours).

Click here to read our Employee Engagement Study

 This alarming statistic came out of a recent study Dale Carnegie Training conducted of 1,500 workers that examined employee job satisfaction in the American workplace.  The study measured job satisfaction based on workers’ responses to specific engagement questions, including: 

·         I know what is expected of me at work.

·         I have the opportunity to do my best at work every day.

·         At work, my opinions count.

·         My supervisor cares about me as a person.

·         In the last week, I have received recognition or praise for doing my work well.

·         In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress. 

If asked these questions, how would your employees respond?  Not sure?  You may have reason for concern. Dissatisfied employees often go through the motions of their jobs.  This disengaged “sleep-walking” effect can greatly affect your company’s overall profitability.

 According to a Harvard Business report on employee engagement, a highly engaged workforce maximizes a company’s investment in human capital, improves productivity, and can significantly reduce costs, such as turnover, that directly impact the bottom line.

 Click here to read the full 

Harvard Business Review Report

7 Tips To Keep Your Employees Engaged:

 As your company focuses on sustaining future growth, it’s more important than ever to invest in your top employees.With that in mind, here are a few key tips for retaining your best employees for the long haul.

 1.  Clearly Define Your Expectations – Employees need a clear understanding of what is expected of them — both on a day-to-day and project-by-project basis.  The more clearly you define and communicate your expectations and goals, the more efficient and productive your employees will be.

 2.  Supply Employees With The Tools They Need – Just as employees need clearly defined goals, they also need the tools to reach these goals.  As technology evolves, do your employees have the resources they need to be as efficient and competitive as possible?

 3.  Allow Employees To Voice Their Opinions – Remember, you are a manager — not a dictator.  An open and ongoing dialog with your team can reap many benefits.  When you encourage employees to express their opinions, you foster an environment where they feel valued.  And you may also gain fresh perspectives that could lead to tangible results.

 4.  Invest In Your Management Team – Managers play a vital role in the productivity and retention of your employees.  However, your best workers may not always be the best leaders.  Consider investing in a management training program to help ensure your team leaders have the most effective leadership skills.

 5.  Invest In Team-Building Training – A core training program in communication, problem solving and conflict resolution can benefit your whole team.  Whether you hire an on-site trainer or an outside consultant such as Dale Carnegie Training, teaching employees good team-building skills cultivates a happier work environment.

 6.  Take A Personal Interest In Your Employees – A little compassion goes a long way in building trust and loyalty.  Take the time to ask your employees how they are doing.  Asking about their business/personal goals shows that you are interested in their well-being.

 7.  Offer Positive Feedback – When your employees perform well, make sure you tell them.  It’s always nice to know that others appreciate your work.  Set up a reward program for employees who meet established goals. 

Executive Summary:  Your employees are your company’s greatest asset.  Their united talents and enthusiasm will keep your business growing and profitable.  Your workforce needs the guidance of a skilled manager who welcomes their ideas and asks for their opinions.  Set defined goals.  Give employees the tools to succeed.  Take an interest in your team and offer positive feedback often.  When employees feel valued for their work, they are far more likely to engage in your company’s long-term success. 


Quote of the Week: “Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.”

– Peter Drucker           


[To comment: larry at larry litwin dot com]