How to unplug on vacation

[To comment: larry at larry litwin dot com]

The first step is to recognize there is a problem. Here are some steps to take to get into the mindset as carried in the Courier-Post on July 23, 2015. It is by-lined by Shannon Eblen


Plan ahead: Schedule out-of-office emails and assign a main point of contact in your absence.

Limit your availability, so there are only certain times when colleagues can contact you.

Designate “no phone” times for yourself or for your family. Better yet, leave the devices at home. Only one family member needs a phone in case of emergencies.

Schedule activities where you can’t use your phone, but try not to overschedule on vacation, as that can also create stress.

Delete apps that you will be tempted to check, such as work email, Twitter or Facebook.

Try shooting vacation photos with an old-fashioned camera instead of your smartphone. or @CP_SHANNONBLEN

[To comment: larry at larry litwin dot com]