8 Red Flags employers see on your resume’

[To comment: larry@larrylitwin.com]

Thank you to Jessie Liu from THEJOBNETWORK.COM for this. Jessie is a career advice journalist who investigates and writes about current strategies, tips and trending topics related to all stages of one’s career. Her entire article may be accessed via THEJOBNETWORK.COM. After reading the article, I ask these question:

  1. Why does your resume get recycled with the first five minutes?
  2. Is your resume too flashy?
  3. Is your email address NOT professional?
  4. Does your resume contain spelling and diagrammatic errors?
  5. Do you omit dates – causing suspicion?
  6. Is your information outdated?
  7. Have you changed jobs frequently?
  8. Do you use bullet points?

[To comment: larry@larrylitwin.com]