Audience Segmentation (ISPR) vs Audience Fragmentation (IFPR)


Check out Larry Litwin’s The Public Relations Practitioner’s Playbook for (all) Strategic Communicators. It is available from Amazon or Authorhouse Publishing.

• Identify
• Segment/Fragment (demographically, psychographically,
geodemographically, behavioristically, benefits)
• Profile
• Rank
– Audience Power Structure
• Elite (Key Communicators)
• Pluralistic or Diffused
• Amorphous/Latent
Audiences are I(S)FPRd as matters of understanding and economics. Public relations practitioners and their clients may have limited
resources. Audiences must be I(S)FPRd to help determine which are
most important and how much time and money will be allocated
trying to reach them to either change, maintain or reinforce behavior. All four steps (I[S]FPR) are imperative to a successful PR plan.
