5 Ways A Disengaged Employee Will Cost Your Business Money

[Questions? larry@larrylitwin.com]

While Less Than A Third Of Employees Are Engaged, Some Groups Of Employees Are More Engaged Than Others.

  • Engagement levels appear to increase during the first 5 years of employment
  • Executives (VP and Higher) and medical workers are the most highly engaged group of employees
  • Employees in education, social work, and sales are the least engaged
  • Employees ages 50-60 are the least likely to be engaged
  • 26% of part-time workers are engaged vs. 31% of full time workers
  • 45% of managers and supervisors are engaged, only 23% of all other level workers are engaged

5 Ways A Disengaged Employee Will Cost Your Business Money.

#1: Impact On A Co-Worker(s) – Negativity is contagious, and your disengaged employee has the potential to “infect” his or her coworkers. This has an overall negative impact on team morale and productivity.

#2: Their Performance While On Company Time – As you know, time is valuable. The disengaged employee makes poor use of his or her time, costing the company money. Often times you will find a disengaged person on their cell phone and/or surfing the Internet.

#3: Poor Customer Service – Your employees should be cheerleaders for your business and seek to make the same out of customers. However, a disengaged employee has no enthusiasm to pass on to customers.

#4: Poor Job Productivity And Performance – A disengaged employee is not motivated to meet goals or go the extra mile when it comes to getting work done. Additionally, an employee without sympathy may dodge phone calls, e-mails, and other responsibilities.

#5: Lack Of Quality In Their Work – A disengaged employee has little motivation to produce quality results. He or she may struggle with deadlines and will not seek out responsibilities or leadership roles. By contrast, an engaged workforce wants to do what is best for the company. They are generally more creative and innovative and feel loyal and emotionally connected to their work environment.

Executive Summary: Our research has revealed that although there are many factors that affect an employee’s engagement, it really comes down to three core areas:

  • Someone’s relationship with his or her immediate supervisor.
  • Senior management’s ability to lead the company and communicate its goals.
  • Organizational pride; the vision of the organization and/or a company’s corporate social responsibility.

P.S. Disengaged employees cost companies $11 billion annually according to the Bureau of National Affairs!

[Questions? larry@larrylitwin.com]