How You Can Become More Valuable


From Anita Zinsmeister, President – Dale Carnegie® Training of Central & Southern New Jersey – (609) 631-0500

How You Can Become More Valuable Staring Today

·       Word count for this issue: 686

·       Approximate time to read: About 2.7 minutes @ 250 words per minute

The New Year is the perfect time to set personal goals.  Many of us resolve to lose those extra pounds, get back to the gym or work on our financial health; but what about your career?  Is it as “fit” as you would like it to be?

Whether your goal is to climb another rung on the corporate ladder or independently promote your own business, there are strategies you can apply to shape up your professional health in 2015.

Focus On Your Core Strengths

Just as effective marketing is the key to a successful company, marketing yourself is important in advancing your career.  If you are starting a new business, trying to jump-start an old one, or simply looking to move ahead in your current job, start by thinking about what sets you apart. Consider how your “expertise” can benefit your company or your clients.

7 Ways To Make Yourself More Valuable:

1.  Always Appear Confident – When you believe in your abilities, others will too.  It starts with your body language.  Do you walk into an office with your head held high?  When you greet business associates, is your handshake firm and commanding?  Carry yourself with confidence, and others will take notice.

2.  Take On More Responsibility – Doing more than your job requires or asking for additional responsibilities shows that you are eager for a promotion.  But be sure you are ready to work hard.  It may take putting in some extra hours to prove that you are up for the task.

3.  Voice Your Ideas – If you have an idea that may add value to your company, speak up.  The worst your boss can say is, “no.”  But at the very least, it shows that you want to make a contribution.  Similarly, if you have your own business and see a way your client or prospect can be more productive, let them know.  Be sincere (not arrogant), and most people will respect your expert opinion.

4.  Leverage Social Media – Social media is a great way to tell a broad audience about your goods, services, or skills.  Create a Facebook page, a LinkedIn profile, or a Twitter account.  Invite business colleagues and prospects to follow you.  Then regularly post relevant content on topics within your area of expertise.   Posting daily tips or other information keeps your name, and skills, fresh in your audience’s mind.

5.  Blog – Like to write?  Why not start a blog?  Blogging about industry topics that interest you is yet another way to promote your expertise.  Tools such as WordPress make it easy to get started.  If you have a website, be sure to add a link to your posts.

6.  Network – Attending local networking events can also be effective.  When independently promoting yourself, consider offering your services in exchange for goods or services that are useful to you.  This is a great way to get a prospect to sample your work without having to commit to a long-term business relationship.  If your product or performance exceeds expectations, it is likely you’ll gain a new client — and some referrals.

7.  Don’t Forget Your Business Card – In today’s digital world, business cards may seem a bit old fashion.  But they are still one of the most effective marketing tools.  Use your card as a opportunity to promote your business.  Go bold.  Include a catchy tagline.  Add interesting graphics and colors or maybe use an unexpected shape.  Like you, your business card should stand out from the competition.

Executive Summary:  Promoting yourself can be a challenge, especially if you are modest.  But a little self-confidence can go a long way.  Think about your best skills.  Then position yourself as an expert in this area.  If your goal is a promotion, take on more responsibility at work.  Speak up if you have a good idea.  Take advantage of social media, blogging and other online tools to get your name and talents noticed by a broader audience.  Self-promotion may take a little work, but the payoff could be a big career boost in the upcoming year.

Quote of the Week: “Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do.  Do not bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors.  Try to be better than yourself.”

– William Faulkner 
