7 Tips To Help Your Staff Feel More Valued

Tip #1: Reward Them – It may seem obvious, but if someone is going above and beyond their job, do not forget to reward them. Whether through simple praise, offering them more challenging work, or giving them that long-anticipated raise or promotion, it is important to show them that you appreciate what they do. And do not wait for yearly promotions. It is better to express your appreciation sooner than later, so your employee knows that they are being noticed; it might encourage them to work even harder!
Tip #2: Lend An Ear – People want to be heard, so to make them feel appreciated, make sure you spend time really listening. This means that you are giving the person who is speaking your full attention, including eye contact, and acknowledging them.
Tip #3: Remember Names – People are always impressed when you remember their names. Greeting a person by name with a smile makes a huge positive impression. People might not remember what you said or did, but they will remember how you made them feel.
Tip #4: Be Gracious – As small as it might seem, saying thank you really does help your staff feel more appreciated. Be specific about what you are acknowledging them for, and make sure that you are sincere so that your “thanks” are taken seriously. This will make people feel good and encourage them to do just as well, or better, in the future.

Tip #5: Stay Away From The “Three Cs” – Do not criticize, condemn, or complain. Avoid being negative when interacting with co-workers or direct reports; there are many effective ways to deal with people and gain results without criticizing or condemning others and

 complaining about them or a situation.
Tip #6: Show A Positive Attitude – When you speak about other people, always try to be positive. Although this may not be easy all of the time, it will always work in your favor if you are fair when assessing other people. Secondly, it will be a positive reflection on you too.
Tip #7: Build On Someone’s Natural Talent – Everyone has some quality or skill that makes him or her important and valuable to an organization. Recognize someone’s talent in a proactive manner by catching him or her doing something positive such as producing a great result on a project, delighting a customer, looking for ways to cut costs, or to become more efficient. Doing this will encourage a person to keep using this skill and will contribute to self-confidence and an overall feeling of being appreciated.
Executive Summary: People who feel appreciated tend to “go the extra mile” for you and will be more loyal to the organization. Additionally, it fosters a more positive work environment that is crucial for anyone’s growth professionally and personally.