How To Better Manage Your Boss (Even When Working Remotely)


Dale Carnegie Training Newsletter
By: Anita Zinsmeister, President
Dale Carnegie Training of Central & Southern New Jersey

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  • Word Count: 481
  • Time To Read: 1.9 Minutes

Everyone has a manager. And whether or not you like him/her, your well-being and career are directly related to a positive relationship.

It Starts By Exceeding Their Expectations.

You first need to determine what outstanding performance looks like in the eyes of your boss. Is it your loyalty, performance, or consistent work? No matter what it is, you need to do this: Exceed their expectations.

5 Simple Ways To Help Manage Your Boss (Even When Working Remotely):

#1: Take Things Off Your Boss’s To-Do List – Find out what your boss doesn’t like to do or has challenges with, and then find a way to do it (or solve it) for them. By adding this kind of value to a relationship and doing it with good intentions, you will be amazed how much it will be appreciated. Another suggestion is this: Ask your boss what they want to “get off their plate” on a given day.

#2: Connect With Your Boss – Your manager, for the most part, won’t be fully committed to you if they can’t trust you; therefore, it is imperative to connect with them. PLEASE, don’t wait for your boss to initiate that relationship, as it may take a lot longer to develop. Great employees are often a champion of their manager – and this, in itself, shows your maturity.

#3: Your Timing And Approach – To help take the lead on a specific project(s), your timing needs to be right – and with the right intentions. Another thing, you must be able to read when your boss is too focused or frustrated (and know when to push or retreat).

#4: Be Cognizant Of Your Boss’s Needs – It is never easy to read your manager’s mind; however, you should understand their top priorities to help spot their needs. For example, if their goal at year-end is to roll out five new products or services, start looking for ways to schedule meetings with a product manager so that things are not waiting to be done at the last minute.

#5: Know Your Organization – There is a high probability your boss is juggling a million things on a given day. Although everyone has deadlines and things that need to get done, it is critical to know how your organization works when it comes to getting things accomplished. By having the insight to manage any roadblocks or issues, you need to position yourself as a trusted resource for your boss.

Executive Summary: At some point over the next seven to ten days, we recommend being more proactive in helping your boss get things done.  Additionally, have a one-on-one call/meeting with your boss to find out what their expectations are of you and how you can exceed them. No matter what, it is OK for your boss to take the credit for a project that they are ultimately responsible for, as it will go a long way in your boss’s mind.

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