
[Questions? larry@larrylitwin.com]

There is much more in Litwin’s The Public relations Practitioner’s Playbook for (all) Strategic Communicators and The ABCs of Strategic Communication. Enjoy.

Hashtag – The # symbol, called a hashtag (some refer to it as a hash mark),
is used to mark keywords or topics in a tweet. It was created by Twitter® users
as a way to categorize messages – tweets – by keyword. Also,(on-social-networking websites) a word or phrase preceded by a hashtag, used within a
message to identify a keyword or topic of interest  and facilitate a search for it
(e.g. The hashtag #PRPractitioner’sPlaybook is used to help coordinate tweets
about The Public Relations Practitioner’s Playbook for (all) Strategic

[Questions? larry@larrylitwin.com]